Over the years evolution seems to have caught up with socialization. Communication as we know it has changed , from the use of telegrams to our regular messenger, now we have social networks capable of sharing information , video etc to the world with just the click of a button. Many of this networks have come and gone , some adapted to the society and are still in use , while others are yet to be created. These networks are patronised by many because of their ability to create real-time interaction with family and friends wherever located , hence the word “Global Village”. Here is a list of the most used social networks of the year
Pinterest has become one of the largest visual sharing network, proving the importance of visuals on the web and in connection. Pinterest has monthly active users of 150 million, of which 81% are females. Pinterest stylish pinboard platform is an enticing feature of the network incorporating its ability to categorise images into their content groups. It also has shopping features, With the “Buy” button at the side of the pin.
Vine is a twitter owned social network with 200 million monthly active users. It is a video sharing app with maximum clip length of 6 seconds on autoreplay. The network created in January 2013 is aimed at sharing viral memes with ease. Vine and twitter are linked, noting Vine clips can be directly displayed in twitter tweets.
Tumblr is a popular blog among teens and young adults having 332.8 million registered users. It is a platform capable of creating miniblogs for users, like pinterest, it is used to share visuals, meme, Gif etc on a personally edited blog background. Reactions to blog post are displayed with the like and reblog button.

An uprising brilliant app for sharing self taking real-time event in Visual form, to a friend or another user. This social network has 300 million (plus) monthly active users. Images shared here self delete few seconds after its seen by the recipient. The social app also has the ‘Stories’ feature with allow post to be shared publicly.
LinkedIn is a career focused social network, aimed at displaying professional skills and experience to fellow users who might be in need of such expertise. LinkedIn has a total number of 467 million registered accounts. Users can engage in group chat among themselves promoting individual knowledge, posting job adverts and applying for jobs. If one is a business or career person, He/she should probably be on LinkedIn.
Twitter is probably one of the easiest social networks to use, having 319 million monthly active users, it’s capable of sharing tweet, images and memes , with a maximum of 140 characters per tweet. It is a network capable of sharing realtime event, following colleagues and celebrities and keeping up with trends around the world. Young adults have special interest for Twitter, because local tweets could be searched and seen by the world.
This is currently the most popular social app for sharing images and maximum of 1min clips. Instagram was acquired by facebook for $1 billion and currently has 600 million monthly active user. It allows images to be filtered , edited and shared via twitter, facebook and instagram website.
Whatsapp is a mobile Messager app for connecting with friends, with over 1.2 billion monthly active users, it is used to send images, text and other attachment to individual and groups. Whatspp adds friend through Phone number unlike others which use username etc. The recent versions can be used for video calls and voice calls.
Youtube is the number one video streaming network worldwide , with over 1.3 billion registered users and an average of 5 billion videos watched everyday. Despite being owned by Google it is the second largest search engine. All type of videos could be found on Youtube, ranging from music videos, movies, comedy skits etc. A registered member can also upload videos as well as view and save them.
The most popular network is quite obvious. Facebook, A common word on the lips of every 7 of 10 people above 18 years of age. Facebook has over 1.87 billion monthly active users worldwide. It connects friends, colleagues and lost friend with its special ‘friend of friend’ feature. It is capable of making voice calls, sharing video, images and current status among friends, groups and personnel or company pages.